My trips back to my current home near Raleigh, NC always start rough. First, I really don’t like leaving the area of Texas where I lived for 32 years of my life, and second I am close to my family and friends there. But economics drove me east several years ago, and my dues are not yet paid in full. For the record, I do have good life and good friends and a great family in North Carolina, so I shouldn’t complain. Besides the wife and kids get a chance to enjoy life a bit when I am gone on these road trips…
I never seem to leave as early as I should on the beginning day of eastward travel, and today was no exception. My mother always cooks breakfast, and I always eat it if I am there. I still punch my brother on the arm (though we are way too old for it now), and hug the folks. This morning, as I did a final quick check of the bike for the 10th time, I wonder if my rear tire will make it home. The trip into south Texas had finally put a pretty good bite in it, but it still had deep tread and I had a credit card. I teared up as I started the bike and waved goodbye again. Two miles of dirt road leaves a good bit of dust on the bike, in this case it would stay with me for the next 1400 miles or so. (read more...)