Big Bend

Big Bend Country...

I did take time to shoot off onto one of the shorter trips, a place called Big Bend Basin I believe. This was an extra 6 miles off the main road and near the Park Headquarters.  The elevations were higher than average terrain and the temperatures were refreshingly cool. I did not stay any longer than to use the facilities and note the small store and a few rooms available for overnighters.  I did note the signs as I headed into the canyon, and stopped to experience the views and take pictures several times.

As I began my jog north towards Marathon, I stopped to view archeological digs and a note about the US Army performing the camel experiment early in the last century.  The remainder of the trip to Marathon was quite a run considering there was nothing to be seen after leaving the Park Headquarters for nearly 70 miles.  I did note a continual stream of whirlwinds that formed at the basin of the hills as I rode north. I also went through another obligatory Border Patrol checkpoint. “Are you a citizen?” the officer asked… “yep,” as I wondered if I would have to dump my saddlebags to show the contents.  I am not sure how many bikes they see down there, but he sent me on my way with no problems. I was glad to not have to unload and reload the bags and trunk of my bike. (read more...)


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [West Bound] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!