It was cloudy when I got up the next morning, my bike was damp and I debated on putting my now dry raingear back on. A quick check of the bike showed that it was good, though I did discover that my left saddle bag has a crack in the bottom...hmm not sure how that got there.
As I was pulling out, I spoke with one of the guys I saw getting ready to leave. He had been to Sturgis and was heading home to Tempe, AZ. He used to have a Valkyrie, but now rides a Harley, which I must admit was really nice. After chatting for several minutes, we headed off to our own directions, me North, and him South.
You know travelling is an interesting thing.. I forget to take pictures or often, like this trip, it was raining and I didn’t want to get the camera out. As I zoomed up Raton pass, I decided to pull out and put on an extra jacket.
I was worried that my whole ride would be damp and cold...but it would change as I got into the flatlands outside Trinidad, CO. That part of I-25 is 75 MPH posted, but everyone drives a bit faster. It felt good to open the throttle up and let the bike suck gas down... and that it did.. whew 25 mpg, but it was worth it!
Deciding where to actually go was becoming interesting. There are lots of things I wanted to see, and since I had no plans, I just rode. I had headed toward Cripple Creek, CO..partly because I know the area, and I know people there. In fact, a good friend of ours is the Event Director for the city. I decided to stop in and say hi.
I walk in the door to his office with my helmet and Roadgear mesh jacket on. I am usually dressed in a Cowboy hat..and doing chuckwagon events when he sees me. As it turns out, it is time for the American Vet Bike Rally and he thinks I am another vendor. He caught himself before he gave me the “speech.” As, he broke out in laughter...we shook hands and, instead, he offered a place to stay in his house to me near Pueblo. He admonished me to be back in a couple of days for the American Vet Bike his guest! Hmmm... I am used to being part of the show, not watching.. this offer registered!
I wasn’t sure at th e time where I would go next, but I didn’t turn it down either the place to stay or coming back for the bike rally. But it was time to leave Cripple Creek to ride to Canon City, from there I would decide.
If you don’t know the area, I should mention there are numerous ways to kind of get to Cripple Creek, but only a couple that I would do on my bike. Both are long...depending on where you want to go. The first is from Colorado Springs, towards Divide and then down into Cripple Creek. The other is from either Florissant, or Canon City. I chose to head out towards Florrisant then pickup CR 11 to Colorado 9. It is about 60 miles or so back to Canon City, which is on US 50. Nice twisties in a few spots to warm up on!!! As you may know by now, I lived in North Carolina for several years... they have a lot of twisty roads and a lot of bikers to ride them. Lets clarify, Colorado has tighter curves, more of them and, by the way, more cliffs to fall off!
I arrived in Canon City, and decided to go to the Royal Gorge...... read more!