I like driving along the stretch of hiway from Colorado Springs (or in this case Pueblo) to Raton. The speed limit is set pretty high (75 mph), and the road is easy to drive. I stretched things a bit, and pushed a good bit faster while I could, but I noticed that there were a few LEO’s out and I had to keep things in check. I noticed another biker that had positioned himself to pass, and we ended up meeting at a gas station a few miles up the road. We chatted a bit, and discovered both of us were from Texas, he was heading to Austin.. that day... OUCH! He asked if I had seen the LEO that was following us a ways back; ironically I had not, but had a feeling, and had slowed down. The trip to Raton was uneventful, and I decided to go in a different route rather than cutting across to Clayton.
I headed down further south to Springer, NM and then cut across through Roy, NM and then down to Logan, NM. I had lunch in Logan, and it was actually a good meal. (the oil spot near my bike is not my doing)
I had been rained on a few times during the course of the day, and the temperature was ranging from chilly with rain to steamy. Somehow, I missed a turn leaving Logan... I still am not sure what I did, but I ended up back in Dalhart... and I was only a few miles from I-40. That cost me several miles and quite a bit of time. It also got me wet again, as I hit a thundershower near the Boy’s ranch south of Dalhart. I rolled into Vega, then headed to Amarillo to see my friend there. I planned to only stop to say hello as my weekend trip had lasted into the next weekend. However, I ended up spending the night and starting out the next morning.
The trip home from Amarillo was just another drive, but on a bike it beats most other things. The drive from Amarillo, TX to Bowie, TX is just a drive, not much to see, but it does pass fairly quickly. It was much warmer than the weather I enjoyed in Colorado and New Mexico the previous week. This trip was over, and I had a blast! I can’t wait to do it again! I have included the over-all map from Roy, NM to Bowie, TX. Return to Home!