Day 2 Ends

Amish and Gunnison!

 We actually took another picture here at the top of Slumgullion pass, 20150830_155851and we headed down toward Lake City. You may notice that the trees don’t look particularly healthy. They aren’t! There were millions of them that have been cut down due to pine beetles. The infestation has blossomed in recent years.

Lake City hasn't changed much in my mind since the 70's when I first came up here as a teenager. It is still small, very little in way of accommodations and fuel stops. Don't get me wrong, there is more now than then, but it hasn't blown out of proportion like so many small scenic villages. 

Heading Northward towards Gunnison is a beautiful ride to be added to collection. CO 149 out of Lake City rides along the Lake Fork of the Gunnison river. My bike is quiet enough you can hear the water running as I drove along beside the edge. Yes, you are that close in many places! Add this to your list of roads to visit when you hit Colorado. No major occurences or Amish interceptions happened on this portion of our trip. We did stop at the intersection of US 50 and100_2587 CO 149 at the Blue Mesa Reservoir for a leg stretch. As always, we attract attention. This time it was an older gentleman on a late model Goldwing. He pulled in just to chat, and we learned that he was just returning from Alaska. He was several tires into the trip and reported that all went well except for the poor road conditions. His riding partner zoomed by a few moments later on a Harley. Identity made by the exhaust note only!.  They were both only a few miles from home, and probably anxious to get there!

Gunnison is a wonderfully developed city that I have stayed at several times. 100_2590 We had our pick of hotels once again, and we opted for the Best Western. The young girl at the counter asked how I was doing. I replied, as I always do, “Old, tired, fat and gripey!” She responded quickly with “I can help.” She handed me and my brother-n-law a bag of Butterfinger Reeses cups.  Hmm!! 

My younger days would have had a better suggestion, but food works almost as well these days! I asked for a large room with two beds (we were splitting hotel costs), she said no problem, and looked for a moment, and said those won't do, “they are noisy.” Then she gave us a free upgrade and we were in. I always ask about dinner, not what the hotel recommends, but what they would eat or where. In this case she suggested a local steakhouse/bar a few blocks down. Me being the old smart a$$ that I am, asked if she could drive me down there since I was not used to the altitude. I got a resounding yes, just let me put my “be back in 15 minutes sign up.”  Ok, I didn't let her do it, but it sounded good, and I reserved the right in case I drank too many adult beverages. 

Our Amish friends were waiting on us as we pulled in front of our rooms. They peered off the balcony, with Grandpa's watchful eye making sure that the large guy with a the shorn face did not lure off one of the naïve on his motorbike. I, of course waved and moved my necessities into the wonderful room our new friend at the front desk provided us. 

Dinner was good, a real meal, not fast food. Salad and grilled chicken. I had a beer or two and celebrated my 50th birthday. Yes, I turned 50 on the road. My wife granted me a wonderful birthday doing what I love to do.

No dwelling on getting old for now. The thought depresses me, and even as I write this several days after the trip, I am looking at Adventure bikes for next year. I love my Valkyrie Interstate, but I want to ride more dirt paths! Perhaps I will...

“Honey, we had a great day on the bikes.” “Had little trouble with my pants in South Fork, some woman helped me pull them up though.” “No, dear, they were my rain pants.” “I think it was innocent, she just felt sorry for the fat man.” “I love you too.”  You have to keep them on their toes. I won't go into details of marriage, but I learned a lot over the last 10 years, changed wives, Valkyries and even a lot of friends and my state of residence. It changes your perspective, leave it at that!  read more...


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Getting Ready] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!