Pagosa Springs and New Mexico

We Depart Colorado and Make It To Taos!

We made Pagosa Springs with no problems. Somehow we ended up with a lunch at Subway again. I removed my rain jacket since the temperatures were climbing, of course it wasn’t long after we entered New Mexico that we began the dance with rain showers again. The showers were looking intense as we approached Chama New Mexico. It was time to fill up again, and I put my rain jacket back on again. Our route took us to Taos, with an optimistic goal of Red River, but evening was approaching and the clouds were hanging heavy over the pass towards Red River. We hung our hat at the Kachina Inn, and found a wonderful Ale House within walking distance. The burgers were great, and the beer was good also. I even sampled a pecan beer. The sample was enough, it was good, but not something I would want in large quantities.

Our trip was nearing its end, Day 5 had ended. It was another wonderful riding day. Our dance with the rain was about to end. We would miss her after the heat set back in. read more...


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Getting Ready] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!