At this point, we all know the drill. Get up, pack everything back in the bags, and head down for breakfast. It is the usual fair, waffles, or some sort of eggs, sausage or gravy. Perhaps a bagel with cream cheese. It all tastes the same, but it works. We were slow leaving this morning. Perhaps it was the thought of putting off getting home finally. Either way, it was after 9:00 before we hit the road. It was already warming up, but we made good time. The road had finally reopened just before we got to the detour, so things worked out great.
We stopped for fuel in Memphis, and headed toward Henrietta, TX. We would split there after lunch and fuel. We plowed down the hiway, the heat was getting worse, but we made Henrietta by 1:00 or so. I have several friends that work at a large dealership there. We decide to pull into their shaded parking and stretch. I went in to acquire us a loaner vehicle. I got not only that, but a driver, an extra guest and he bought our lunch. Thanks Gene!
I removed the bluetooth gear from my brother-n-law’s helmet. He was going to return it for some warranty work, and didn’t want to damage my equipment. We fueled up and headed to our respective homes. I was 40 miles away, and was home before 3:00, even with a quick trip by my store to check on employees and take care of some last minute business.
I pulled into the carport thinking that I was ready to go again. My local friends just assumed I was worn out after riding a motorcycle all week. They are not riders and do not understand that this is not a 300 cc toy like they road as a teenager. As I write this, I am still winding down, thinking of my next trip. Perhaps a new toy, an Adventure bike has been calling me. The Valk needs a stable partner... read more...