Pecos River

Pecos River Bridge and Del Rio...

I should mention that traffic on US 90 is sparse and fast. There was a late model mustang that passed me in the triple digits (had to be because I was running 95 or so).  I tailed him for a bit, but I had been riding all day and really didn’t feel like pushing my luck for the last few miles. I held to my average 90 mph or so and made Langtry in time to drive through and see that everything was closed.  I pushed on to my next attraction, the Pecos River and the tallest bridge in Texas. This was another reason for my return to this area. Memories of crossing this bridge as a child and looking at it from the viewing area had left an impression on me that I still enjoyed. The sun was setting and the shadows of the Pecos River cutout enhanced the view and added to the ambiance.  I spoke with a few people that were also there. I learned they were headed to Marfa to view the lights later that night, and on to Roswell over the next few days.  They were harmless and it was a good break before I began my last leg into Del Rio.

I rolled across Lake Amistad and into Del Rio as the street lights were coming on. I noticed a sign advertising the La Quinta at $39.00 per night (paying attention sometimes turns out to be a good thing)!  I noticed several other hotels as I drove through the city of Del Rio, but opted for the La Quinta after viewing its parking lot and proximity to a couple of restaurants.  As I checked in, the price quoted was higher than the sign.  I inquired about the price, and the receptionist asked which direction I had come from.  When I told her, and mentioned the sign, I found out that there were at least two signs, but the prices were different depending on which direction you came from. It pays to ask! I saved a few bucks.  She even let me park on the sidewalk under the sheltered area near check in. Amid promises of someone watching my bike, I slept better that night.  (read more...)


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [West Bound] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!