I headed out from Del Rio the next morning after deciding to take US 90 further west to Uvalde and then head north towards Bandera and take a side step through Luckenbach, TX.
The valley near Del Rio was lush and green as I headed further west. I did go through another Border Patrol checkpoint and once again I was asked if I was a citizen. I almost drove on through before I stopped because he waved at me, I mistook it for a wave through…oops!
The trip was uneventful, though pleasant, as I made my way back west and then north. I felt like the trip was ending, though in reality I had many miles to go. I took FM 1736 to Luckenbach, and enjoyed the scenic ride. I almost missed Luckenback, but a plywood sign painted with a spray can pointed me in the right direction! Noticed a few other bikers come through while I was taking pictures, but they didn’t stop. I headed out again and decided to head through Johnson City and up 281 back to my folk’s house. I drove by LBJ’s ranch and various parks along US 290 before eating lunch in Johnson City. After lunch I headed north along US 281 and did not vary off course for the remainder of the way back to my hometown. The trip was uneventful, but it had started to warm up considerably and I finally couldn’t handle even the mesh skid jacket after a while. The towns clicked off, Lampasas, Burnet, Hico, Stephenville, Mineral Wells, and Jacksboro. I noticed some family at one the local businesses as I passed through Jacksboro and stopped to visit for a few minutes before having dinner at the Dairyland, one of my haunts of youth. Things change as time passes, and it felt weird going into a place where no one knows you anymore, but at one time everyone knew you.
It was dark as I pulled up at my folk’s house. I definitely had the beginnings of a sun/wind burn on my face and I opted to use Thursday as a rest day before my departure on Friday. I estimated about 1500 miles for the total trip down through South Texas. This was the highlight of my trip, and I even took pictures. (read more...)