Wild Rose Pass

Balmorhea and Wild Rose Pass...

Overnight, I decided the path to take into Big Bend Country. I chose to continue along I-10 to Balmorhea and then down thru Marfa and on to Presidio, TX.  The ride was uneventful from Fort Stockton to Balmorhea. I filled up in Balmorhea, one of many gas stops that were part of my paranoia of being stranded without gas (this was much unfounded as the longest distance I road was 70 miles without seeing a gas station).

As I left Balmorhea on highway 17 I noticed the hills growing in front me to my south and west.  I of course stopped to take pictures and immediately noticed near the roadway a long unused water irrigation system.  The concrete was disheveled and appeared it had been that way for many years.  These things make me wonder… what changed?  But on to the next stop, leaving this scene to ponder at a later date.

The drive changed within a few miles to more hilly terrain and the temperature, even mid morning, was quite mild (probably in part due the front system that had passed thru and dropped rain on me in the Midwest the previous week).  Traffic was negligible, probably 2-3 vehicles during this leg. I stopped at Wild Rose Pass to note the historical marker and take a few pictures. Rugged terrain always amazes me, and here, though not as rugged as I would see later that day, had a beauty that is indescribable.  The pass was named for its abundance of wild roses that were observed when this road was a mere trail for settlers and traffic moving in and from Fort Davis. Like many roads in this region, the dangers of flash floods encouraged high ground passes instead of low ground trails.  I imagined myself on horse back scouting the area for dangers, including possible unfriendly natives that was much of the basis for the founding of Fort Davis….I need to get started again.. this is only the beginning of the trip today. (read more...)


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [West Bound] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!