Doug and I got up the next morning and headed to Cripple Creek. The rally would start that day, and we needed to arrive early. I enjoyed the ride along, and we realized about 10 miles into our lengthy ride that he had forgotten his office keys. I headed back to get them, so he could go on and get started with setup. I know the roads pretty well in the area, and after I retrieved his keys, pushed along until I caught up with a large group of riders wearing colors. I debated whether to pass them nor not, but they were site seeing and I needed to get up the road. The Valk, as always delivered as I went by about 20 bikes or so. I made the return to the right lane as a corner approached....and 3 big deer crossed the road.. whew.. glad that worked out! For the record, a wreck would have been bad.. but I shaved about 20 minutes off their time. Not sure how to weigh that one in, but I figure the deer would have been there regardless of me passing them or not.
I backed in beside Doug’s bike in front of Cripple Creek City Hall. And helped setup cones and do a little traffic control. It was amazing how many bikers showed up. I seen bikes from all over the states. One guy got off with a crutch mounted to his handlebars. He had one leg, and no prosthesis. His buddies helped back the bike and park it. Wow, was all I could say.
It wasn’t long until things began to hop, this being day one of the event. As you can tell by the date stamp, it was nearly noon and people were just starting to come in. the next day however, things really got to hopping. One group of bikers was so big that Sysco Food Service actually made a delivery to them. I enjoyed being at the event; it had helicopters flying over, lots of vendors, and just general things that you would expect. The wet t-shirt contest was just that... WET.. it rained!!! I guess I forgot to take pics of that part.
My time was getting short, and soon I would have to head out. The day ended with a drive back racing a thunderstorm, and we lost. There was several inches of water in Canon City as we drove through. But, once you get wet, there is no since stopping other than being cold. Drenched would be a good description, but it was a great time, with some good people. I hope that I will get to do it again. Thanks for all the hospitality that was offered, and if you haven’t been to Cripple Creek, Colorado for an event, or even a bit of lite gambling.. check it out.
My trip was ending, I needed to get started back, and I had a ways to go. I headed out that next morning from Penrose, Co.... the Valk was feeling her oats..... read more....