Durango - Penrose

Durango - Penrose

 I left the Park in a much better frame of mind than I had the day before.  I vowed to return again, but I needed to get started back to Cripple Creek, and the urge to ride was strong.  I made the drive to Durango without incident, though it was warm and I was hungry by the time I found a Wendy’s Burger.

While I am riding, I generally look for other bikers, I guess most of us do that.. either to ride along with for a while, or just to see what they are riding or ?????.   As luck would have it, I saw a group of bikes pulling out from a gas station near where I was filling up after eating lunch. I must confess, I hurried a bit so I could catch them. As Craig Fenter- August 2006luck would have it, they were casually cruising along, and didn’t mind the Valk following the tail guy on his Gold Wing. We rode from Durango towards Silverton - Montrose.  This is a beautiful ride!  In fact, it is probably the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen on a bike.  Anyway, the bikers pulled off at Coal Bank Pass to rest for a few minutes, and we had a chance to talk . They admired the aging Valk (99), and I admired their bikes. We then headed on towards Silverton, CO. And as they turned into town, I waved and went on up the road. I knew I had a lot of miles to make to get back to Penrose, CO, which is just outside of Canon City. 

As I stated before, this ride was fantastic. Craig Fenter- August 2006The mountains tower above you, and snow often was visible in the crevices. The Valk performed flawlessly, though I must admit, the altitude did take a some of its punch away, even so, it always had more than enough to spare.

As you near Montrose, the roads actually flatten out a bit and you just ride along. I guess I was too busy doing just that, but I managed to snap a few pictures.  And, if you notice the time stamp on a couple of them, it was getting late. I wasn’t against spending the nite somewhere along the way, but, I really wanted to get back to checkout the events in Cripple Creek.Craig Fenter- August 2006   It was getting fairly chilly as I crossed Monarch Pass near Gunnsion.  I have actually been over this pass in February (in a pickup).. at nite! Did I mention I was pulling a trailer at the time? It was a much more fun this time, and I made it to Salida as it was getting near dusk. My ride from there on to my friends house was uneventful, and in fact, I had come a full circle.  I snapped one last picture of the Valk after I wiped her down and backed it in the barn beside his old Harley.  Read more.....


 Craig Fenter- August 2006

[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [Colorado 2006] [Raton] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!