Ouray Leans!

We Lean Towards Heading Home!

We turned around at the edge of town, and headed back to one of the hotels we had seen on the way thru. Did, I mention that the town leans? The side roads lean, and they are gravel. It makes for a little more thought when stopping and starting. Not a real issue, but even the parking lot leaned where we stayed. 

After checking in, I rode down to one of the Jeep rental places and inquired about cost for day rentals. We had considered riding across Engineer Pass back toward Lake City, or just doing some trail riding to break up what we had been doing.  It has been many years since I have 4 wheeled in Colorado, and I would like to do it again.  The cost was <$200 per day, and I could take the vehicle that evening and return it by 5:00 pm the next day. He cautioned me to be sure I was back no later than 6, and to call if I were. They would send rescue out at my cost. Hmm.. not a deterrent, but he assured me it happens, and that often they found the jeep in front of a bar with the driver enjoying a few beverages. Armed with this information I headed back to see if we wanted to put this on the agenda for tomorrow.

I returned, and discovered my brother-n-law studying the map, and it was at that point that he realized we were nearly 1000 miles from home. I smiled and said something about a nice ride, perhaps two days. His son had a birthday that weekend, and he had mentioned earlier that he wanted to be back by Saturday if possible. After weighing the evidence, including the riding speed and proposed route home, we opted to forgo jeep adventures, and begin our journey home the next day, albeit not direct.

With directional decisions out of the way, I acquired knowledge from the Nextbook and learned that there were several good eating and drinking choices in the area. We chose a Mexican food establishment up the hill on the main drag. Imagine this! It was up hill from where we were. I know I am being sarcastic, but breathing heavy while walking makes me less than happy. It takes oxygen to smile. 

Dinner was great, again! Excellent Mexican food, a margarita, and a beer for me. The waitresses excelled at service, and we donated a few bucks to the local20150901_180600 volunteer fire department. We noticed they had several, as in many, bills stuck to the ceiling. Inquiry led us to learn that they had a gimmick to stick them to the ceiling and the money was donated to the fire department.  I tried to get the waitress to perform the task , but she said she had tried and wasn't good at it. So, one of the male servers came by and showed us the trick.  Take a tack, stick it thru the bill, wrap it around a few quarters taped together (tack sticking up), and then toss it straight up. He didn't miss, and once he even stuck one in the ceiling fan for grins.  Nice way to take donations!!!

I rolled back down to the hotel, had a cigar and enjoyed the evening thunderstorm that lasted for a couple of hours. It was a nice evening and another great riding day! read more...


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Getting Ready] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!