Most Dangerous Road

I Didn’t Tell Him Until Later!

 The Million Dollar Highway is under construction. It appeared that part of the road was sloughing off, apparent by the large cracks and the sunken outer lane in several places. We stopped a few miles up the road to wait on the flagger20150902_085950 to give us permission to head on. I stepped off the bike and peered over the edge at a water fall several (hundred) feet down. I even took a picture, imagine that! My travel partner did not approach the white line, as the road ended where the white line was painted, and the drop off began. I think I heard him mutter something, but it was time to move on.

A quick remount, and we were off at 30 mph, enjoying the twisties, me trying to peek over the edge,100_2596 my Goodyear Triple tread providing wonderful traction thru the 30-20-15 and even 10 mph turns. After another brief stop for additional road construction we eased into Silverton for a downtown tour and some purchases.  It was time to bring in the souvenirs for the family. We both knew it had to be done, and this was one of the last opportunities to buy something from a major tourist town, at least in our opinion!100_2597


We walked around and visited some of the shops looking for t-shirts. I bought a couple of books and a new cap from the Handlebars Saloon. It was time to mount up and head farther south and east. Our trip was about to leave the high country of Colorado, we only had one more pass of noteworthy altitude. We stopped at the top of Coal Pass for our usual proof of presence by taking a quick picture. 20150902_105829 We then headed toward Durango, and ended up driving thru dowtown. Somehow, I missed a turn, but I had been there before and after a bit of navigation and only one more missed turn, we were heading west and soon intercepted the highway again.  I should mention here, that these days, I can’t see my GPS without the aid of my reading glasses. Getting old is not for the weak! Pagosa Springs we are on the way! read more...


[To Travel on Two] [Texas 2003] [Colorado 2006] [Colorado 2008] [Colorado 2015] [Getting Ready] [Riding Hiway Four]

Craig Fenter 2000-2015   Photos property of Craig Fenter unless otherwise noted!